Player Roster
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First Name | Last Name | PNGA State Affiliation | Chose your tee Color by yardage | H.I.™ |
Aaron | Fagerson | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 9.9 |
Allan | Palmer | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 15.0 |
Beaux | Yenchik | - | - | 8.2 |
Bill | Reed | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 15.5 |
Bob | Ianson | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 6.6 |
Brad | Davis | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 3.5 |
Brad | Oliver | Oregon Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 15.6 |
Brandon | Simpson | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 17.7 |
Brian | O'Neill | - | - | 18.7 |
Brian | Sweet | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 7.2 |
Brice | Rutledge | - | - | 17.6 |
Bruce | Robinett | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | +1.6 |
Bryan | Borchers | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 17.1 |
Bryan | Johnson | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 6.1 |
Caleb | Cox | - | - | 8.1 |
Casey | White | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 11.5 |
Chance | Oswalt | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 8.8 |
Clinton | Beers | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 3.8 |
Craig | Koelling | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 16.7 |
Dan | Connors | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 9.4 |
Darrel | Van Metre | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 8.3 |
Daryl | Wert | - | - | 30.2 |
Dave | Rumple | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 8.0 |
David | Yates | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 17.1 |
Deb | Sanders | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 20.5 |
Dennis | Seward | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 5.4 |
Devin | Anderson | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 16.8 |
Dillon | Witmer | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 2.4 |
Don | Nguyen | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 4.4 |
Dorothy | Sells | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 8.6 |
Doug | Lyon | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 2.7 |
Drew | Latimer | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 20.3 |
Ellen | Busnardo | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 37.2 |
eric | randall | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 6.2 |
Faye | Nicolls | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 28.9 |
George | Lloyd | - | - | 17.2 |
Gordon | Shewfelt | Washington State Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 10.8 |
Gordon | Crumley | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 19.2 |
Heather | Donner | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 11.8 |
Heather | O'Leary | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 7.9 |
Isak | Rodenhiser | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 7.1 |
Jacob | Patterson | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 14.9 |
James | Laroche | Washington State Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 10.2 |
James | Pierce | Oregon Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 12.5 |
Jared | Daw | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 16.1 |
Jason | Barry | Oregon Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 16.1 |
Jay | Jacques | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 13.1 |
Jeff | Kleveland | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 10.7 |
Jeff | Simmons | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 5.1 |
Jerry | Losee | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 10.9 |
Jim | Swartley | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 14.8 |
Jo | Mysinger | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 17.0 |
Joe | Ozuna | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 7.3 |
Joe | Chizum | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 14.3 |
john | miiller | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 12.9 |
Josh | Daw | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 11.7 |
Judd | Spencer | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 28.4 |
Karen | Darrington | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 0.3 |
Karen | Pemberton | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 29.1 |
Keith | Albi | - | - | 12.5 |
Kevin | Trader | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 10.7 |
Kirk | Pharis | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 18.6 |
Korry | Holden | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 12.8 |
Kristina | Latimer | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 21.8 |
Kyler | Miller | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 18.0 |
LaVell | Losee | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 18.5 |
LeAnn | Simmons | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 40.4 |
Leo | Laleff | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 17.6 |
Lexie | VanAntwerp | - | - | 8.0 |
Linda | Brewer | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 24.5 |
Loren | Clifton | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 15.3 |
Lowell | Shafer | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 20.2 |
Lynda | Kinney | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 22.6 |
Margaret | Laleff | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 22.7 |
Marty | Hecker | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 13.5 |
Matthew | Wise | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 24.1 |
Mike | Baltes | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 16.0 |
Mike | Edwards | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 10.0 |
Mike | Frandsen | - | - | 16.6 |
Mike | Long | Oregon Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 12.2 |
Mitch | Pinkston | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 14.0 |
Monty | Hyde | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 11.1 |
Morgan | Daw | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 11.4 |
Nicole | Bird | - | - | 8.7 |
Nicole | Rutledge | - | - | 11.4 |
Paul | Wilhelm | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 13.7 |
Phil | Darrington | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 15.5 |
Phil | Larkin | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 14.4 |
Randy | Heyrend | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 7.8 |
Ray | Jacques | Washington State Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 11.3 |
Ray | Parkinson | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 6.3 |
Richard | Koelling | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 7.2 |
Richard | Smith | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 9.9 |
Rick | Fouts | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 10.7 |
Rick | Gallup | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 11.0 |
Rima | Bakaitis | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 6.9 |
Roger | Holmes | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 5.3 |
Roland | Ozuna | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 3.8 |
Ronald | Geselle | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 8.8 |
Russ | Peterson | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 7.5 |
Scott | Archibald | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 12.8 |
SCOTT | PINKSTON | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 15.4 |
Shane | Grayson | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 12.8 |
Shawna | Ianson | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 8.1 |
Shelli | Wardle | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 11.1 |
Stan | Schooler | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 12.5 |
Steve | Bird | - | - | 6.6 |
steve | hillman | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 6.2 |
Steve | Mattis | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 13.8 |
Steve | McNear | Oregon Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 17.0 |
Steven | Brent | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 7.0 |
Steven | Penry | Washington State Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 5.5 |
Ted | Tillinghast | - | - | 16.7 |
Terry | Geis | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 13.9 |
Tim | Pemberton | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 9.2 |
Timothy | Parks | Oregon Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 7.1 |
Todd | Crist | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 15.1 |
Todd | Thompson | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 1.4 |
Tom | Jones | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 20.1 |
Tracey | Robinett | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 22.7 |
Tyler | Chabolla | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 9.1 |
Tyson | Clark | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 13.1 |
Vaughan | Sobotka | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 14.5 |
Vikki | Mattis | Idaho Golf Association | Bronze - 5,200 yards | 17.7 |
William | Thomas | Idaho Golf Association | Silver - 6,000 yards | 6.9 |
Zach | Thompson | Idaho Golf Association | Gold - 6,500 yards | 0.3 |